Angels and Demons and Snow, Oh My!

So, it is March 17 (better known as St. Patrick's Day to most), and it is snowing in Virginia. It has been snowing throughout the night, so there are now inches of snow upon the ground. Words cannot describe my lack of enthusiasm as I look out of the window at what one could only describe as a "Winter Wonderland," and yet, I am over it. I am over the snow. I always wanted to have more of it as a child growing up in Georgia, but now I feel that I am all caught up on those past wishes. It has snowed enough. Let's move on to Spring and flowers (even though that brings pollen and allergies), I believe it's time to transition.

That said, snow does provide the perfect opportunity to sit inside and think,read, and write. I have been doing a little of the first, a lot of the second, and not quite enough of the third. I've definitely learned some things through this latest read of mine.

There was quite a hullabaloo regarding the fall of certain angels. So much so, that there are still debates going on today regarding the validity of the Book of Enoch and what it states. I have not yet finished reading the whole book, but I have to say it makes for some interesting material. And since I'm not a Biblical scholar, I can take from it what I will to help me in crafting my story. That's one of the many reasons I love fiction!!  You do with what you wish, but it's always better to be grounded in truth.  That way the lines between fiction and reality are blurred in such a way that you can't tell one from the other.

I have definitely come up with a better understanding of some of my bigger plot points and the baseline from which to develop them based on this book.  I've gotten a lot of insight from the author's interpretation of the text as well as a general understanding through reading the text, itself.  I don't see me getting too into the weeds with a lot of the specifics, but it will be good to know some of the background information on fallen angels as I weave my story.  Though I have to admit, reading about it makes it a bit more real than I ever entertained prior to picking up this book.  It's always been a little hard for me to go from images of this:

or this:

to this:

and this:

 But it helps to know what it is you're actually dealing with... right?  Here's hoping the change in thinking will help me write a better story than I could have prior to the change of focus. Though, for the record, I never would have had angry angel babies attacking anything.  That would have just been wrong! 


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