Back from the Holidays and Lots of Reading - Mysteries, Comfy Romances, YA, and... Werewolf Romances? WTH?

 As is evident by my lack of posts over the last few weeks, I took a bit of a break over Christmas and New Year. And obviously let that extend a bit until I finally decided today is the day I shall get back at it! 

The struggle is real!

I will say, in my couch potato status of late, I have done a good bit of reading. And part of that reading has consisted of some trashy reads. Apparently, I fall for click bait regarding sites who tease you with romances about werewolves? Never in a million years would I have thought that would be something I would read or click on, but I guess we learn something new about ourselves all the time. And what makes it worse? The stories I click on are horribly written. Not just clunky plots but atrocious writing and no editing. And yet, I can't seem to help clicking. Well done internet interest algorithms, you got me!

So, after not finishing a single one of those stories, because I refuse to pay for poorly written stories (at least have someone proof it before it's loaded on the site!), I have decided to see what I can do with a story set in the genre and the of so [not] rigid settings/standards/etc. I found in the clickbait I've looked at so far.

What standards? you ask. Well, that's a good question. So far I have found the following:

Rank Matters
  • Alpha = top wolf in the story, generally a jerk who looks down on everyone except for his heir, his Luna (defined below), his Beta (defined below), and other pack leaders
  • Luna =spouse to Alpha, respected above everyone because of her status as the Alpha's mate
  • Beta = the Alpha's second in command
  • Delta = the Alpha's third in command (though this rank isn't recognized in all of the stories)
  • Gamma = the lowest class of wolves, basically slaves (though this rank isn't recognized in all of the stories)
  • Sentinels/Guards = they protect the pack and for those assigned a specific role, the Alpha and/or other pack leaders; I think this is where most of the wolves fall; there's also references in some stories to there being elite warriors taken from these ranks
  • Elders = older wolves who were once Alphas, Betas, or Deltas
Mates are predetermined by the moon goddess 
  • Apparently mates are assigned by the moon goddess, but the wolves aren't able to identify their mate as "the one" until after they come of age, which in a lot of the stories is 18 
  • How do they know their mates? Well, apparently their inner "wolf" gets really excited and knows their mate immediately upon site/contact/scent. The scent element is usually a pretty big giveaway in most stories; it's a scent that the character loves (i.e. roses, fresh baked bread, rain, etc.) and it leads them to each other. Usually, though, it is one POV you're in when the scent thing happens, and it leads a character through an entire party/house to find their mate
  • A lot of the stories start off with the males being immature and refusing their mate because a) they aren't ready to settle down, b) they are a higher rank than the female, c) the female is in her ugly duckling stage, d) there's already been a match established either through longterm dating, family commitment, etc.
What happens if a predetermined mated pair doesn't actually want to be paired together?
  • A theme throughout a lot of stories is the male saying no to the female as his match, and he does this by making a formal statement to the female rejecting her. She then has to make a formal acceptance of the rejection. According to more than one story, the pain is excessive, often described as a brutal kick to the gut. It takes a long time to get over it, but it can be gotten over.
  • How does one get over it? Well, a lot of stories follow the "next in line" principle where the moon goddess throws another mate in the path of the wronged wolf. Instalove and this time, it's reciprocal. (This does result in jealousy from the wolf who rejected the mate, because they obviously feel regret over their rash decision... and conflict inevitably ensues, generally in the guise of a match between the two, winner takes all. Never mind that the wronged wolf might actually wish to have a say in the outcome. Drama makes better stories, duh!)

Showdown in the Center Ring!

  • So, this is about the time I run out of free reading material. There's jealousy coursing between the two suitors and a grudge match is set. In one instance the newcomer won, but I've not seen the outcomes of the other battles. It's hard to know what the wronged wolf really wants, though, because the wolf that rejected them is one they've known for years (often being ignored or with distance between them for whatever reason, generally rank distinctions) whereas the new love interest has come out of nowhere, but appreciates them instantly and wants to fight for them to be together. Very gallant, but still a complete stranger.
It's probably for the best the stories have tapered off there for me. It leaves a lot to my imagination to try and think through what might happen next. I tend to be more plot driven than sex driven, so this is probably where I would have been disappointed in the stories by the writers veering into various ways to depict werewolf sex, whereas I would have wanted resolution on the defeated lover, what it means to the pack, what it means to the wronged wolf and their standing post fight. Also love and what have you, but those scenes would have been more subtle and about love rather than conquest. Or at least that's what I think I would do. Guess only time will tell. With the start of my own werewolf trashy story, will I keep to my plot driven ways or fall into the smut trap?

Fight the smuttiness! Just say no!


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