Adulthood - Pssh

While I would have loved to be writing and reading like I have been throughout the winter and early spring, late spring and summer bring with them quite a list of chores and commitments that must take priority. So far, May has been full of such things. And while I loved the time with family for trips, weddings, and general get togethers, the chores of adulthood regarding yardwork and annual checkups, etc. have been filling more time than I'd like. That said, so far all my checkups look good, so here's to another year of hopefully healthy living. As for the yard, that's a whole other story. But since I'm sorta in the story writing business, let me bend your ear a bit with the fun I've had so far this year. 

Hedge trimming - yep. Doesn't that just sound like the most fun? Well, it's not. Haha. But it's better to do it a few times a year and stay ahead of it rather than letting it run wild and free and trying to deal with it all at once (a lesson I learned the hard way last year). And at this rate, my shrubs and my pets get trims more often than my own hair. So how about that for making sure everyone/everything is covered? 

Mulch spreading - another one for the most fun record books. Nothing like dumping out bag after bag of moist (because if it's rained within a month of those bags being outside they are holding in some water), dirty, mulch around bushes that aren't always that easy to get around. I LOVE having to thread between multiple bushes to reach the back set while avoiding spiders, wasps, or any other type of insect or brethren. And then the fun of raking it out to make it all look semi-level and uniform across the whole bed. Oh and let's not forget the fun of actually buying it and bringing it home from the store! Trunk packed so full that excess bags have to go into the passenger seat because the backseat is holding flowers. Fun. Times.

Grass cutting - oh joy of joys, the cutting of the grass. I love how you have to commit to a grass height for your yard and attempt to maintain it. Are you one that likes the super short grass that's hardly above ground level or do you like the taller thicker grass? While there are advantages to both, it does seem to feel like the taller looks better but also needs more regular attention. So, that's fun. Cutting the grass every week to 9 days is so fun! 

Weed eating - because cutting the grass just isn't enough. To maintain that pretty yard, you have to weed eat around the house and flowerbeds. There can't be any random shoots of uneven grass to meet the eye or else those few spots stand out something awful next to all that nicely trimmed grass. 

Edging sidewalks - because there are standards that must be maintained! You have to edge around the sidewalks because you want to have those sharp lines along the pathway, right? Well, duh. Can't slouch on that. That's where people WALK. And not just managing the integrity of the pathway but you must also make sure the edging along road side is just as neat. Gotta keep those edges tight!

Flowers & pots - since you're going through all the effort of making the yard look nice, don't you also want to have those pops of color to really make the house stand out? And in doing that, don't you want to add in some height and variety by having potted plants in addition to your flowers and shrubs that already exist in the yard? You need those blooms right? And to have those you need pots and potting soil, right? Well, of course. And balancing all of that out and getting all of those plants and dirt and pots distributed in an aesthetically pleasing array is just the most fun! And don't forget to water those little joys because they die about 10000x quicker than anything. So, CONSTANT VIGILANCE is in order. 

With all of that going on, you need the right tools to economize your time and energy. So you accumulate things like lawnmowers, edgers, weed eaters, electric clippers, manual clippers, blower, broom, shovels, trowels, extension cords, water hoses, etc. And not having one or some of those  just makes life harder. Or does it? I'm beginning to wonder if by having fewer tools I did less because I didn't have the tool needed to do more. Like a pressure washer. Was the sidewalk something you really noticed before getting one? Whereas now anytime something starts to look a bit darker, you feel the need to clean? And what about those sharp lines? Did they matter as much before you decided to set your mower cut length to a higher setting? Would you have raised that cut length setting had you not gotten a riding mower? Would you feel the need to cut the front yard in a prettier pattern if you didn't have the push mower? The list goes on and on. 

But hey, at least I now have all of these things and have plenty to keep me out of doors and busy. Or indoors feeling guilty about things not being done outside. But hey, a pretty yard is worth it, right? Right? RIGHT? 


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