Decisions Decisions

 As I mentioned in the last post, the good idea fairy is both a blessing and a curse. And I have to admit, this latest visit from that fantasy creature has left me at a bit of a loss. 

I don't exactly know how I want to move forward. I had a pretty good idea at the outset, but since adding in those improvements I've gotten myself into a bit of dilemma on how to get to the end and have the outcome I want, haha. Guess I'll just have to write through it and see what happens, but so far I've been nervous about putting pen to paper. Just something about writing down the next stages makes them seem like the only path forward even though I know I can always go back and rewrite or just delete it all and start over at this same part. The problem is I can't just erase it from my mind so will I remember things that never happened in the new draft but happened in the last draft? Hopefully it won't come to that, but who knows? Only time and typed pages will tell.


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