One Week Down - Still On Track!

 So, believe it or not, but I have actually worked on writing every single day since my last post. Shocker, I know! It's not been all fun and games, though, since I am in the process of editing and rewriting my Angel story. I've given it some time to breathe since I last sat down to look at it with a critical eye, and I think the break has done us both some good. Time has given me some distance and time to ruminate on some of the feedback I got from early readers (aka. friends and family who I begged to give my first draft a look). Now for diving in and getting it done!

Well, a week into the process and I've gone over the prelude chapter and the first three chapters of the book. I feel like I've fixed some language that didn't flow like I would have liked, hopefully rounded out some back story points a bit better, and helped flesh out some of the driving forces between one of the main romances. I think there's still more to do in each of those areas, but at least I've made one solid pass so far. 

One of my biggest challenges in adding in some of the development I think is needed to help give more dimensions to some of my favorite characters is the fact that where that development would do the most good is also in the middle of dialogue or a scene that already has a nice flow to it. So I am stuck between changing the flow that I like to give the characters that extra bit, break up the flow in a constructive way, or find subtle ways to add in enough to make the point without disrupting the story. This is no easy thing and I'm finding it anything but fun. Because of this, I know it's crucial. The awful stuff is generally awful because it's not easy, but man, if you ever get it right, it's worth it. I'm still just struggling with getting close to right.

On the up side, though, I am happy to report that I am still SUPER happy with the character of Luc. I think I nailed that one. You can tell he's got layers, his own unique style, and there's just something about him that makes you look for him on the page. I love that I was able to get across what a great and complicated character he is. I just wish I could have done the same justice to Amelia. But I'm trying to remedy that.

And who knows, maybe while I'm trying to get all of that right and make sure it comes across to the reader as I hope it will, I might be able to learn some editing/proofreading hacks (see below).

Okay, let's be honest, there's no way I'm learning all of that during this rewrite process, but at least it's cool to see what the professionals are talking about when they scribble all over things!

On a somewhat related note, I was able to knock out the rough outline for one of the children's stories my friend and I are thinking of doing together. She's still working away on strengthening her drawing skills, so we're making progress slowly but surely. Here's hoping I get another post in next week talking about even more progress or a possible breakthrough with Amelia's character so you can see what I see and like her as much as I do!


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