Very Unimpressive Last Two Months... and Longer?

There are no words to describe my absolute lack of progress these last few months.  I have done NO writing of any consequence.  It's depressing and a bit embarrassing.  I thought I had more followthrough than what I have been displaying thus far with my writing.  I have started dozens of stories, with varying degrees of plot complexity, but have only finished one book length story in what is ... wow... a decade of writing off and on in my spare time.

I know it is no consolation, but I am on track, and even a little ahead of schedule, to meet my reading goal for the year.  I've read 31 books as of today out of the 50 I set as a goal.  I am beginning to see that I need to set hard deadlines for myself with regards to writing rather than the fluid "write when you are in the mood" style I have been adhering to up to now.  I am going to have to do some research to see what is a reasonable daily/weekly/monthly goal.  If I am going to formalize this whole process I need to make sure I am setting goals that are not too small or too broad so that I don't set myself up for failure or disappointment.  Here's hoping it comes online!!

Even though I have not been a prolific writer in the time since my last post, I have not stopped thinking about the plot for my angel story.  The problem is I keep getting caught up in the jealousies that will inevitably arise between characters in various situations.  They are important to the plot, but are not the crux of it, so I have to figure out how to include them, and other relationship elements, without making them be the whole story.

Here's hoping the end of July and August are more productive than June an the beginning of July.  Here's also hoping I do a better job of blogging than I have been doing.  So overall, here's hoping!


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