Glamping! It's totally a thing!

Have you ever been camping? Like in a tent in the woods with nothing around you but nature? Have you done the slightly upgraded version where there's a campground communal bathhouse you can access when you're a bit tired of nature and want some of the niceties from home like running water and working plumbing? Well, I have done the second, but we were so far from the bathhouse it felt more like the first. And let me tell you, I was not the biggest fan of flat out roughing it. I like nature, but I don't love bugs or feeling dirty. And I certainly don't like going to the bathroom in the woods. Just not my thing. 

That said, I also am not one who would want to drive or pay for one of those giant RVs that come with all the amenities. I like how fancy and nice they can be and appreciate having everything you need with you, but I would be stressed beyond belief to drive one of those things across country be it in traffic on a highway or down some small back road. Stressful! 

Fortunately, there are options in between the tent and the yacht on wheels. And they range in sizes and amenities. But with amenities comes a higher price tag. Which is unfortunate because I tend to not like to make multiple car payments at once... #fiscallymostlyresponsible

So what do you do when you have champagne taste on a beer budget? You buy old and you renovate and repair! And if you're a girl who likes to give it that extra touch of flare, you glam it up! Thus glamping came to be, or at least that's my take on how it came to be. I'm not actually up on the true history of glamping, but it can't be that far off from what I just said, right? 

Regardless, here's the Merriam-Webster definition of glamping just to prove it is in fact a recognized thing.

Why the sudden interest in glamping? Well, in the story I'm currently working on, there is an issue with finding a place to stay near a very big deal party, so what are the ladies attending the party to do? Stay at the host's place? Definitely not. They don't even know the host. They were given the tickets by a mutual acquaintance. Crash with a friend? No, not really an option since they only know one person in the area and their place is packed with other friends who already called dibs. Sleep in their cars? Possibly, but where could they park and get away with that? And how would that work if they're all planning to drink at the party? Safety first, please. Hire a driver to drive them hours both ways and sit and wait for who knows how long? Pricey, but an option. OR do they embrace nature and borrow a buddy's RV and setup shop in a spot not too far from the party? Hopefully a campground, but worst case, their friend's yard? BINGO! At least that's the plan. Assuming they can find a campground and an RV on short notice.

Since I'm writing the story, I can sort of control fate, right? At least some of the time in this fictional world inside my head. Thus enters a somewhat dated, but very cute and very glammed up retro camper.

Isn't it cute? Well, this is not the exact one in the story, but it gives you the general idea. But I am sure you'll also notice that it seems a bit small for one person let alone four, so there will have to be some negotiations on who is sleeping where and if the tent really is going to be needed for this excursion. Mercifully, regardless of who sleeps where, there will be an abundance of alcohol on hand and freely flowing. So, it should be a good time in spite of the sleeping arrangements. Or so the ladies will tell themselves. Let's go glamping!


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