
So, I know it's been a while since I last posted, and I have nothing but excuses for why it's been so long.  I can make a nice list citing things like family visiting from out of town, my dog getting sick, deadlines at work, etc., but in the end I just didn't know what to write about for a while there.  I mean, I could have said something, right?  Well, here's that something!

I have been making progress with my angel story, though obviously not as much as I would have liked at this point (but can you ever really make enough progress??  unless you can declare that you are FINISHED, I think the answer is no).  Some of the finer points of the overall story and the pacing, etc. are still being worked out in my mind and on paper, but I came up with what I think is a pretty awesome twist for the story.  I will not go into details, because I want to see if you will be as surprised as I hope you will be while also still feeling like you should have/could have seen it coming.  We shall see how it all works out when I get the first draft done, but until then, here are a couple of fun facts about some of the assumptions/foundations I am operating on for the story...

Feathers of Protection
  • I like the idea of there being a way for the angels (archangels, especially, since there are so few of them) to stay connected with people who may or may not be in their assigned group of souls they are supposed to protect.  What does that mean?  Well, it basically means that I want the angels to be able to form friendships, attachments, etc. with humans even if they are not specifically assigned to those humans.  It rarely happens when they do make that connection or get that attached, but when it does, there should be some way for them to form a connection that will keep them informed if the human ever needs assistance in the future... a way to stay "tuned in" if you will.  
  • I feel like the best way to accomplish that is to have the angel give one of his most prized possessions to the human in question as a way to link them.  I have the angel give a single feather.  It is attached to a super fine chain that can be worn around the human's neck, and no other human can see it, and no angels or demons can see it either, but they can detect its presence if they are paying very close attention.
  • How do they work?  Well, the angel is able to choose how closely to monitor the person wearing the feather's emotions so that he can read subtle changes or only be aware of major events, where he might be needed.  The person just has to keep it on for it to work.
  • Also, it can be passed on from one human to another, but it has to be done voluntarily.  It cannot be forced or taken.  If the person does not give it to another and dies, the feather loses its power and the connection is severed.

Book of Fates
  • This is a secret book that the archangels are given upon their creation detailing some of the challenges they will face throughout the years between their creation and Judgment Day.  They are not allowed to tell the other angels about it, and they are only allowed to see it when a new challenge is beginning.  Four cherubim guard its location, but are not able to see what it is.
  • They do not know when, where, how, or who the challenges will impact, but they know that they are coming.  They are not able to actually see any of the challenges that have yet to be put forth.  They can see the ones that have already occurred.  The name(s) of the angels involved and the details are written into the book along with the results to document what has taken place. 
  • When the time actually arrives for a specific Fate (challenge) to occur, the page glows and the book opens to reveal the challenge.  The angels then have 40 days and 40 nights to prepare for and solve the challenge.  If they fail, there are dire consequences. 

There are a few other things, but I don't want to spoil it all for you!! Besides, these are the ones that might cause the most confusion since they will be referenced


  1. I love your blog and I love the idea of your story about angels!


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