Mid-Year Update
So, I think at this point in my "blogging" life, it's pretty clear that I am inconsistent at the best of times and absent at the worst of times. Sad but true, and it really hasn't mattered much (and likely won't matter moving forward either) since I don't really have folks reading this anyway, haha. That said, I have some news that will either make me even less consistent or will help me finally have to manage my time better and have a more structured life and schedule. Only time will tell. But at least it'll be an adventure, because a new little human will be joining the family in October of this year. With preparation for imminent arrival, family visits, trips back home, and all the others that life throws our way, I'm not sure how often I'll get to commit words to paper in the next several months nor how often I'll get to check-in here. But I'm hopeful I'll find time because I love to write, love to dream, and hope to one day shar...